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CentiMillionaires: Universities with the Most in Alumni

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CentiMillionaires: Universities with the Most in Alumni.

“The expense of a top-tier education is substantial, and parents often invest significant sums to provide their children with the best possible foundation for their careers. Therefore, assessing outcomes is just as crucial as evaluating the quality of education. As indicated by the data on the top 20 universities for centi-millionaires, a striking 24.9% of the world’s centimillionaires received their education from just 20 institutions.

Leading the way in producing centimillionaires are the prestigious Ivy League colleges, occupying the top three positions. Among the top 20 universities producing graduates who have gone on to amass investable assets of over USD 100 million, eleven are located in the United States. These elite American educational establishments contribute to 16.6% of the global centi-millionaire population, with three Ivy League institutions — Harvard (3.8%), Stanford (2.2%), and the University of Pennsylvania (1.9%) — taking the lead.

Harvard boasts affluent alumni such as Steve Ballmer, the owner of the Los Angeles Clippers and former Microsoft leader, and Brazilian investment banker Jorge Paulo Lemann, who built his substantial wealth through astute deals in the food and beverage industry. Stanford’s notable wealthy alumni include professional golfer Tiger Woods, Indian business magnate Mukesh Ambani, and the world’s wealthiest self-made actress, Reese Witherspoon. Additionally, centi-millionaire singer-songwriter John Legend, fashion designer, businesswoman, and philanthropist Tory Burch, and the world’s richest individual, Elon Musk, all have ties to the University of Pennsylvania.

Remarkably, the United States is home to seven institutions within the top 10 rankings. The remaining four are the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), where 1.7% of the world’s centi-millionaires earned their degrees, Yale University, also at 1.7%, Columbia University, responsible for producing 1.4% of global centimillionaires, and Princeton University, with 1.2%. Further down in the rankings, you’ll find Cornell, with 0.8% of the world’s centi-millionaires among its alumni, the University of California, Berkeley (0.7%), as well as the University of Chicago and the University of Southern California, both at 0.6%.”

Top 20 Universities for CentiMillionaires
Top 20 Universities for CentiMillionaires Image Credit: HenleyGlobal

Universities from the United Kingdom in the Top 20 list of institutions producing centimillionaires

“Within the list of the Top 20 universities for centimillionaires, the United Kingdom boasts a presence with four institutions, two of which secure positions in the Top 10. Collectively, these universities have contributed to 4.5% of the global centimillionaire population. The University of Oxford holds the 4th position, having educated 1.7% of the world’s centi-millionaires, marking the highest representation from the UK. In the 7th spot, the University of Cambridge accounts for 1.4% of the global cohort of centi-millionaire graduates.

The University of Oxford has a prestigious alumni base that includes numerous heads of state, including 26 British prime ministers, and 50 Nobel Prize laureates. Among its notable centi-millionaire alumni are actor Hugh Grant and Hussein bin Abdullah, the Crown Prince of Jordan. Meanwhile, the University of Cambridge can proudly count the actor and comedian Sacha Baron Cohen among its graduates.

Two London-based universities also make their mark in the Top 20 for centimillionaires: the London School of Economics ranks 13th, contributing 0.8% to the world’s centi-millionaire alumni, while the London Business School secures the 17th position, with 0.6% of its graduates achieving centi-millionaire status.” Site Builder

INSEAD from France completes the Top 10 rankings

“Closing out the Top 10 is INSEAD, a notable institution based in France. France is represented by two universities in the Top 20, together accounting for 1.5% of the worldwide centi-millionaire population among their alumni. INSEAD holds the 10th position, with 0.9% of centimillionaires globally having completed their education at this business school. Meanwhile, HEC Paris ranks 20th, with 0.6% of the global centi-millionaires among its graduates. Among INSEAD’s prosperous alumni is American businessman Henry Engelhardt, known as the founder and former CEO of Admiral Group.”

China and Japan serve as Asia’s contributors to the production of centimillionaires

“China and Japan serve as representatives of Asia in the realm of producing centimillionaires. China proudly contributes two universities to the global Top 20 list, collectively responsible for educating 1.5% of the world’s centimillionaires. Both of these institutions are located in Beijing: Tsinghua University secures the 12th position with 0.8%, and Peking University holds the 16th spot with 0.7%. Notable alumni of Tsinghua University include Chinese President Xi Jinping, while Peking University counts Robin Li, the co-founder of Baidu, among its graduates.

In addition to the United States, the United Kingdom, France, and China, Japan stands as the only other country with a university featured in the Top 20 rankings. The University of Tokyo, positioned at 14th place, accounts for 0.7% of the world’s centi-millionaires. Among its distinguished alumni are fifteen Japanese prime ministers, eight Nobel Prize laureates, and five astronauts.”

Source: HenleyGlobal

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