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Voice and Video Calls on X, But Privacy Concerns Remain

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Elon Musk Announces Voice and Video Calls on X, But Privacy Concerns Remain

Elon Musk, the CEO of X (formerly known as Twitter), announced on Thursday that the social network will soon offer voice and video call capabilities. The new features will allow users to communicate with each other in real time, regardless of their location.

Musk said that the voice and video calls will work on Apple and Android devices as well as on computers, with “No phone numbers needed.” He did not say when the features would be available to users.

The announcement comes as X is under increasing scrutiny over its privacy practices. The company recently updated its privacy policy to allow for the collection of biometric data and employment history, among other information.

Some privacy experts have raised concerns about the new privacy policy, saying that it could give X too much control over users’ personal data.

“The announcement is at least an acknowledgement that X will be doing what other social networks have already been doing in a more covert fashion,” said Stephen Wicker, a professor at Cornell University and expert on data privacy.

Two years ago, Facebook agreed to a $650 million settlement of a privacy lawsuit for allegedly using photo face-tagging and other biometric data without the permission of its users.

“X’s announcement is an expansion of the ongoing farming of social network users for personal data that can be used for directed advertising,” Wicker said, adding that such data collection “continues to be a problem for the individuals that provide the data, while a source of wealth for those that take it.”

In addition to the voice and video calls, X also added a new reporting tool for posts and advertisements that may violate the new rules of the Digital Services Act (DSA), which went into effect in the European Union last week. The feature is not available outside of the EU, where the rules do not apply.

The DSA is a sweeping regulation that cracks down on Big Tech companies, with the goal of protecting users’ privacy and ensuring that they are not exposed to harmful content.

X’s announcement of voice and video calls is a significant development for the social network. However, the company’s privacy practices remain a concern for many users. It remains to be seen how X will address these concerns in the future.

Source: Quartz

Additional Thoughts on the Announcement

Voice and Video Calls on X
Voice and Video Calls on X

Voice and video calls could be a valuable new feature for X users, allowing them to communicate with each other more easily and in real time.

Here are some ways in which voice and video calls could be a valuable new feature for X users:

  • They could be used to have more personal and intimate conversations. Voice and video calls allow users to see and hear each other, which can make conversations feel more natural and engaging. This could be especially useful for people who are friends or family members who live far away, or for people who are dating or in long-distance relationships.
  • They could be used to collaborate on projects or work tasks. Voice and video calls can be used to share ideas and information in real time, which can be helpful for people who are working on a project together or who need to coordinate their efforts. This could be especially useful for businesses or students who need to collaborate on a project.
  • They could be used to provide customer support. Voice and video calls can be used to provide customer support in a more personal and efficient way. This could be especially helpful for businesses that need to provide support to customers who are located in different time zones or who have difficulty using written communication.
  • They could be used to connect with people who have similar interests. Voice and video calls can be used to connect with people who have similar interests, such as hobbies, work, or travel. This could be especially useful for people who are new to a city or who are looking to make new friends.
  • They could be used to stay connected with loved ones who are sick or elderly. Voice and video calls can be used to stay connected with loved ones who are sick or elderly, even if they are unable to leave their home. This could be especially important for people who live far away from their loved ones or who cannot visit them often.

Overall, voice and video calls could be a valuable new feature for X users. They could be used to communicate with each other more easily and in real time, which could have a number of benefits for users. However, it is important to note that privacy concerns also need to be addressed. X needs to be transparent about how it will collect and use users’ biometric data.

Privacy concerns are also valid. X needs to be transparent about how it will collect and use users’ biometric data.

Voice and Video Calls on X: Privacy concerns

Here are some of the privacy concerns that people have about X’s new voice and video call features:

  • X could collect and store users’ biometric data without their consent. Biometric data, such as fingerprints and facial scans, is considered sensitive personal data. If X collects this data without users’ consent, it could be used to track users’ movements, identify them, or even impersonate them.
  • X could use users’ biometric data for advertising purposes. Biometric data can be used to create very targeted advertising campaigns. For example, X could use a user’s facial scan to target them with ads for products that they are likely to be interested in.
  • X could sell users’ biometric data to third parties. Biometric data is a valuable commodity. If X sells users’ biometric data to third parties, it could be used for a variety of purposes, including identity theft, fraud, and discrimination.

It is important for X to be transparent about how it will collect and use users’ biometric data. The company should provide users with a clear and concise explanation of its privacy policy, and it should give users the option to opt out of having their biometric data collected.

In addition to the privacy concerns, there are also some technical concerns about X’s voice and video call features. For example, there is a risk that the calls could be intercepted or hacked. X needs to take steps to protect users’ privacy and security.

Overall, the potential benefits of X’s voice and video call features need to be weighed against the privacy concerns. If X is transparent about its privacy policy and takes steps to protect users’ privacy and security, the new features could be a valuable addition to the social network. However, if X does not address the privacy concerns, the new features could have a negative impact on users’ privacy.

DSA is a positive development for users’ privacy. It will be interesting to see how X complies with the new rules.

Voice and Video Calls on X: DSA conformity
Voice and Video Calls on X: DSA conformity

Here are some of the ways in which the DSA is a positive development for users’ privacy:

  • It requires platforms to be more transparent about their data collection and use practices. Platforms will need to provide users with clear and concise information about how their data is collected, used, and shared. This will help users to make informed decisions about their privacy.
  • It gives users more control over their data. Users will have the right to access their data, to have it deleted, and to object to its processing. This will give users more control over how their data is used.
  • It holds platforms accountable for their data protection practices. Platforms will be subject to fines if they violate the DSA. This will help to ensure that platforms take privacy seriously.

The DSA is a significant development for users’ privacy. It is the first piece of legislation in the world that specifically regulates online platforms. The DSA will have a major impact on how platforms collect, use, and share users’ data.

It will be interesting to see how X complies with the new rules. The company has a history of making privacy promises that it has not always kept. However, the DSA is a strong piece of legislation, and it will be difficult for X to ignore. If X does not comply with the DSA, it could face significant fines.

Overall, the DSA is a positive development for users’ privacy. It will be important to monitor how platforms comply with the new rules in the future.

Conclusion: Voice and Video Calls on X

Overall, Elon Musk’s announcement of voice and video calls on X is a mixed bag. The new features could be a valuable addition to the social network, but the privacy concerns need to be addressed. It will be important to monitor how X complies with the DSA in the future.

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