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Minimum Wage Around the World: Lowest and Highest

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Minimum Wage Around the World: Lowest and Highest.

Minimum Wage Around the World: Exploring Global Disparities

Global inflation persists following the pandemic and geopolitical events like Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, intensifying economic challenges. Governments worldwide, like the recent move in the UK, respond with minimum wage adjustments to alleviate financial strains on their citizens amid declining purchasing power. This blog post delves into the real minimum wages across Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) member countries, considering inflation.

Minimum Wage Around the World
Minimum Wage Around the World

UK’s Response to the Cost-of-Living Crisis

In response to the cost-of-living crisis, the UK recently announced a significant increase in its minimum wage to £11 ($13.40) per hour, effective from April. This decision, guided by the Low Pay Commission, aims to uplift around two million low-income earners.

Source: Quartz

Real Minimum Wages Worldwide

Real minimum wages, factoring in inflation, vary across OECD nations. France leads with the highest real minimum wage globally at $13.80 per hour, a result of a recent increase. Australia, Germany, and Luxembourg closely follow at $13.60. New Zealand secured the fifth position at $13.20 after a March adjustment.

Minimum Wage Around the World: Counteries with the Highest Minimum wages
Minimum Wage Around the World: Counteries with the Highest Minimum wages

Regional Disparities in Minimum Wages


  • Malta boasts the lowest guaranteed minimum wage in the European Union at €2.35 per hour ($2.63).

North America

  • Mexico has the lowest guaranteed minimum wage in North America, reaching $6.86 per hour in January 2023.

South America

  • Brazil records the lowest guaranteed minimum wage in South America at $5.12 per hour, as of January 2023.

Andean Region

  • Colombia has the lowest guaranteed minimum wage in the Andean region, standing at $4.39 per hour.

Southern Cone

  • Chile reports the lowest guaranteed minimum wage in the Southern Cone, reaching $7.26 per hour.

Minimum Wages in Asia

India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and China showcase lower minimum wages, with variations as of January 2023:

  • India: ₹21,420 per month, equivalent to $5.32 per hour.
  • Pakistan: ₨21,000 per month, equivalent to $2.44 per hour.
  • Sri Lanka: ₨14,250 per month, equivalent to $1.33 per hour.
  • China: Â¥2,200 per month, equivalent to $6.39 per hour.
Minimum Wage Around the World
Minimum Wage Around the World

Minimum Wage Around the World: Key Takeaways

It’s essential to note that these figures represent minimum wages, and actual earnings depend on factors like experience, education, and job roles. France leads the pack with a minimum wage of $13.80 per hour, while Romania has the lowest at $0.00 per hour.

In exploring global minimum wages, it’s evident that disparities persist, reflecting the economic challenges faced by nations worldwide. Governments continue to grapple with finding the balance between addressing the cost of living and supporting sustainable economic growth.

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